Ruchira Liyanage, an architect by proffession, exudes warmth and extroverted charm. As a Master’s student in Sustainable Architecture at Tampere University, he blends his creative architectural perspective with marketing projects, pushing boundaries and fostering innovation. With a diverse background in project coordination, human resource management, business development, and designing, Ruchira is a seasoned volunteer as well as a passionate entrepreneur. He firmly believes in giving back something good to the society will add a meaning to our lives. He cherishes human connections, particularly in integrating internationals into the local community. As Head of Marketing and Communications at Bloom Finland, Ruchira aims to break away from conventional marketing tactics. His vision is to permeate every corner of Finland with innovative campaigns with an organic growth, aligning with the organization’s overarching goal blooming the whole Finland. He endeavours to spread awareness of Bloom Finland, fostering a culture where everyone can flourish.