Thank you all who participated in Podcasting Workshop.
Second part is coming on September 1st, 2021 at 16:30, both online and at Bloom Common room.You can register by clicking here
About speaker. Maryna Mikhuta is the founder of English-speaking podcast about startup life Tribecast TRE. She has been living in Finland for 5 years and has obtained a Master's degree in Cultural studies. Maryna has dedicated her thesis to the theoretical aspects of radio, which has been one of the implementations of her passion to this medium.
What will you learn? During the workshop we will be doing exercises to warm-up up the muscles and joints involved in speech. Remembering and using the exercises will help you avoid aches and mouth dryness when speaking a lot at work, during a presentation or interview or in any other situation. Please do not eat half an hour before the workshop.